
  • 冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 22

    日期:2013-11-07 13:31:40 点击:361 好评:0

    冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 22 Lesson22 in the restarant Good morning,class. How are you today? Did you pass by a market this morning? Did you see your favourite foods there? How did it look? Look at the picture. Who do you se...

  • 小学五年级信息技术演示文稿单元教学设计方案

    日期:2013-11-04 10:13:22 点击:631 好评:0

    小学五年级信息技术演示文稿单元教学设计方案 本文为小编参加国培计划中小学教师教育技术能力远程培训的单元教学设计方案,针对小学五年级信息技术上册内容。 一、主题学习目标 1、知识与技能 A、认识PPT2003,学会创建、保存、打开演示文稿 B、学会在幻灯片...

  • 冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 21

    日期:2013-10-31 22:12:25 点击:344 好评:0

    冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 21 at the market Lesson 21 at the market Good morning ,class. How are you today ? did you do any shopping yesterday? where did you go? What did you buy? Step1、the word cards ,repeat after me Morning...

  • win9什么时候出?

    日期:2013-10-29 22:11:38 点击:215 好评:0

    win9什么时候出? 微软越来越让人们捉摸不清,和一开始顶着世人压力发布没有开始菜单的Win8一样,微软越来越不按照常规出牌了,据说微软将会避免出现WIndows XP时代,SP1、SP2以及SP3的研发步骤,从Win7只发布了一个SP1也可以看出点什么!那么微软会不会像一些...

  • 国培计划中小学教师教育技术能力远程培训:校本资源分享

    日期:2013-10-28 10:36:59 点击:404 好评:0

    国培计划中小学教师教育技术能力远程培训:校本资源分享 如何加强校本研修的实效性? 校本研修是实现教师个人发展的一个重要方面,怎样才能不让校本培训流于形式,真正起到促进学校和教师个人发展是问题的关键。下面谈下个人看法。 第一点、 建立长效奖励机制...

  • 冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 20

    日期:2013-10-23 18:12:34 点击:344 好评:0

    冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 20 Lesson 20 I like the supermarket Good morning,class. How are you today? How do you feel today? What did you have for breakfast? What time did you have breakfast? Step1、previous lesson we learned...

  • 冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 19

    日期:2013-10-22 21:56:59 点击:396 好评:0

    冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 19 Lesson 19 time for breakfast Hello, honey. How are you today? Hows the weather today? How do you feel about the weather? How was your trip to school today?did you walk? What do you know about Eng...

  • 冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 18

    日期:2013-10-15 14:59:48 点击:312 好评:0

    冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 18 Lesson 18 we all look different Hello,everyone! How are you today? How does your body feel today? Did you hurt yourself? How?did you go to see the doctor? Sing together:the song small world Step1...

  • 冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计(2012版教材):Lesson 17

    日期:2013-10-14 17:08:09 点击:317 好评:0

    冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计(2012版教材):Lesson 17 Lesson 17 seeing a doctor Good morning ,class. How are you today? How do you feel today? Step1、learn some words that go well with the picture before we listen to the story. Arm hurt d...

  • 冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计(2013年教材):Lesson 16

    日期:2013-10-12 20:38:16 点击:285 好评:0

    冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计(2013年教材):Lesson 16 Lesson 16 happy or sad Have a good day ,class. How are you today? Did you see any tall or short people? How does your body feel today? Did you hurt yourself? Step1、repeat after me :ha...