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冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 34

时间:2013-12-05 13:43来源:未知 作者:IT信息技术民工 点击:
冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 34 Lesson 34 on the farm Good morning,class.Please answer my Questions. Whats your favourite vegetables? Whats your favourite food? Animals? Step1、形容词 beautiful far nice quiet friendly hungry副词

  冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 34

  Lesson 34 on the farm

  Good morning,class.Please answer my Questions. What’s your favourite vegetables? What’s your favourite food? Animals?

  Step1、形容词 beautiful far nice quiet friendly hungry副词so very quickly

  Learn the words

  What country is useful at mealtime_________china

  How do we know the ocean is friendly_________ it waves

  Step2、write sentence about the animals

  What is it doing? How does it look?


  A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. 懒羊嫌毛重。

  Hair by hair you will pull out the horse’s tail. 一根一根拔,拔光马尾巴。(水滴石穿)

  You can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink. 带马到河边容易,逼马饮水难。

  The best fish swim near the bottom. 好鱼常在水底游

  If water is noisy, there are no fish in it. 咆哮的水中无鱼。(夸夸其谈者无真才实学。)。

  It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait.

  When the fox says he is a vegetarian, it’s time for the hen to look out. 狐狸说它吃素的时候,母鸡就得注意。Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 鸟儿都爱听自己唱。(自我欣赏)


  My favourite animal is tortoise. Tortoise walk not fast. But I like the tortoise. Why? Because, tortoise is a cute animal. It have a short tail and a four short foot. It have a little head and a hard shell. They are forty-five little and cute tortoise in My home. They like to play in the water. When they afraid some thing. They wall run fast. They like to eat the fish. I often buy some small fish to them to eat. They can catch the fish fast. First, they fake(假) sleep. When the fish swim near they mouth. They catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. So, the fish die. They can eat the fish. In winter. They like to sleep in the sand. When they sleep, they don’t eat any food.Because they wall hibernation. But, when they are thirsty. They come out of the sand. So, we must give water to them to drink.

  I love the tortoise. I hate the eagle. Because, the eagle often eat the tortoise with it sharp mouth.My favourite animal is tortoise.

  冀教版七年级上册初中英语教学设计:Lesson 34 on the farm的内容,是根据2012年最新版本的冀教版教材编写的,希望对需要的朋友,有所帮助!

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